Children - this is happiness, but sometimes it happens that this happiness is too much. I'm talking about the lack of free time, or rather, personal. Work, an important conversation, manicure, in the end - all this was shelved because the beloved child can not think of an occupation for himself alone. Just a tiny baby can be seasick, give him a pacifier and, using a temporary lull, to make their case. But a baby older than, say, five or six years, these tricks will not take, give him lessons pouvlekatelney. What is think of parents to find time for themselves, without prejudice to the child?
Typically, only one way out: sit back and everything is free. However, we ourselves are well aware that this is not the best way out. Therefore, to accustom to reading. I understand that for many it is almost a bad option, but if there is no other more light entertainment for the brain (I'm talking about TV and computer), then you can teach reading. First they read the child some thin book (you can pre-read it yourself to make sure that it is interesting). Can not finish reading, stop at an interesting place, supposedly you have an urgent matter arose in the kitchen, for example. Ask finish reading independently. Pick up his book colorful, interesting, preferably with short stories or fairy tales. Most importantly, the child had no alternative.
If at that time will run TV, or the child will have access to a computer, nothing happens. If you do not want to read into any - buy a child with a MP3-player and download audio books on it, they should at least listen.
Incidentally, with regard to books, there is another option: Kids love to make books themselves. While you are engaged in some of his work, let the child try to make a book. You can start with a clean leaves and just sew them together or by using brackets, fasten the sheets and all pages numbered, and let the child decorate each of them what any pictures.
He can paint the picture itself or cut it from the log and paste. Books can be on various topics, such as those sold in the store - about animals, about different foods, sports and flowers. Little can be done by the books of various sizes - very big, medium sized and very little book.
It is possible that your child will want to make your own television guide with pictures of his favorite ideas, leaving empty seats in order to fit the data there, what program and what time will a favorite channel. Later, you can "print" in the book the text that you dictate to the child.
From the same "Opera" can be, for example, give the job to write letter to Santa Claus or grandparents (depending on who your child loves). The letter should consist not of handwriting, but all letters must be slaughtered separately from some magazine and pasted on a sheet of cardboard.
Another way to take a child - a competition. You write one big word and offer the child up from the letters in the word of other words. Who is more - you or he?
Needlework - is generally an indispensable option for filling free time, plus a well-developed motor skills and perseverance. You can make a collage of fabrics.
For this exciting venture will require couple boxes with cloths of different colors, glue and some paper for drawing. Necessary to break into small pieces of cloth, pokomkat them and put ourselves on the table, picking up the color. Then let the child will inflict on paper small drop of glue. A piece of crumpled tissue glue to one end of the paper (attach to this drop), and the rest will lie freely. By mastering this technique, the child will be able to create works of "rag-abstract art." Similarly, you can get an unusual effect on the figures: there are inserted cloth clouds, flowers, Snow White and the fire pattern transferred to the third dimension.
"Skillful hands"
Option applications without glue, too, is quite good: on a piece of cardboard to inflict an even layer of clay thick polsantimetra. At the child let it attaches all possible patterns of buttons, rice and beans, pasta, twigs, etc. Very funny thing, especially to someone as a gift.
Children love to visit there, where there are no adults. If your apartment has a corridor, which goes some doors, close all doors, remove the sheet and attach it to the door handles (you can rubber band). Thus, you get a sort of tent. Call this the erection of camps. Your child will be happy to crawl under the sheets with his toys and this will be quite happy.
Somehow a warm day, arrange child pastime, giving him a job washing your car. Of course, if you do not wish to engage in this work, should not be too much to hope for results. A child must be to provide a bucket of soapy water, rags (or sponge) and a hose, making a small water pressure. Advise him at first to wash off the dirt, running a cloth (or sponge) down, wipe the machine to clean and then bring it to the surface gloss.
Or another option for suburban studies: Remove the yard big box and let your child put on the cover in a number of several objects (plastic toys, wooden churbachki or any small, unbreakable items is better) of these items can be made and a pyramid. It will be a goal to which we want the arrow to get a ball or something else. First, put the child at a distance of about a meter from the goal, and then, when he was aptly become the bull's-eye, let him depart from her farther and farther. Thus you can safely go about their business somewhere in the zone it seems to methodically nod to his appeal: "Mom, did you see?"
The time parents spend with their children, often taking place in anticipation of something. This may be "small" part in the Savings Bank for the payment receipts, or at a counter in a store, or when we just need to get some help. Try to make sure that any expectation turned into a quiet rest from this hectic world. Walls, furniture, people around can help the formation of various skills of the child and make the wait more pleasant.
For example, you can play the game "What are the three ...". This simple game teaches us to classify objects. You or your child choose a category of objects - cars, animals, states, methods of travel, bad habits, TV channels - and say: "What are the three ..." (from one category of objects). If you're playing alone, is the category in turn, asking each other.
If you have a few children, then you offer to each separate category of items and give time to think. Or set the children themselves, who call the first category, and who is responsible. Once the child will name three things, he asked next.
Meaning the next game is to find common characteristics among people and objects around you. It develops a child's insight, observation and the ability to analyze, but it requires the ability to count. The game should take the form of conversation. For example, your child sees man in glasses, and everyone begins to count how many people around wear glasses. You can search for people in brown shoes, blondes, one breed of dogs, etc. Older children with the help of this game is how the concept of percentages. Advance the task before him, he will have to decide. How many of you encountered ten dogs - a lap dog? How many black cars out of ten, standing in the parking lot?
And another useful exercise for school children. If you are in a public place and hear other people's conversations, quietly agreeing with a child, select any letter. Whenever you hear a word that begins with that letter, try first to say: "Oh, oh!" If people get interested in what you do, ask them to guess the letter. It is not easy to do, because at that moment when you say "oh, oh!", The word on the desired letter already be uttered, and the conversation will continue.
Since young children can play simple: select normal, common words, "I" or "will" - and try not to use it in conversation. If you still violate the condition, the child says: "Uh, oh!". Who will fall five times, he lost.
Actually, a friend of mine, when her baby after all of it's options continues to whine, he said to him: "Sit down and sit, just sit." For a baby is like death, his lack of a minute or two, and then he skorenko invents a cause. I hope you successfully find a job for your baby and in full satisfaction, without guilt work out themselves, beloved.
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Sunday, December 13, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
10 secrets of successful marriage
Married, many girls do not think about how to build a family life. Perhaps in this lies the reason for such a high percentage of divorces? We offer you a proven formula for family happiness! 1. Spend time with each other. If you do not regularly communicate (both in traditional and in an intimate sense of the word) - the marriage will not last long. Get in the habit of at least half an hour every night, and at least one full day a month to give each other.
2. Find a balance between dependence and independence, and hold it. Tell your husband that you need one, but not "Saw" and it do not stop - it might scare him.
3. If you want a man to listen to your advice - do not argue with him, and expresses its appreciation when he does. And do not overload it with information - otherwise it will simply stop listening.
4. If you do not like something in the bed - tactfully tell us about it, and as soon as possible. If you do this after several years of living together, your man might be offended at you instead of being tackled.
And not restricted to a simple statement of the fact that you are not satisfied with sexual life -'ll show her husband that he should do so that you can reach orgasm.
5. Smile more often. So you will not only improve the climate in the family, but also you can be sure that her husband is always a pleasure to return home.
6. Learn to love a man, despite his habit. Of course, from some of the costs of her husband and wean (although this should happen very rarely), but if you irritate some detail, better try to get used to them. You do not want your husband you perceived as "mama"?
7. Do not be silent, if you have a concern. Hidden resentment can silently destroy a family and restore peace and love will be very difficult. Talk about your problems and ask the man to help you solve it. But, of course, you should not do it every day. If the problem you're having so often better to turn to a psychologist, not "merge" the negative of her husband.
8. Sometimes, when your husband is doing something "not the" best solution seems to punishment. Do you think that so he can understand how to act should not be. But in reality nothing good in this manner you will not get. Doing the opposite - encourage and reward him when he does something the way you want, and ignore those things, you do not like.
9. One of the most common causes of family conflict - is money. In order to avoid unnecessary quarrels, advance discuss how the budget will be formed in your family. This solution should get you both.
10. Divide household chores. Not rely "at random". Make a list of all the household chores and discuss with her husband, who among you will be responsible for that. Then in the future you will have much less reason to quarrel.
2. Find a balance between dependence and independence, and hold it. Tell your husband that you need one, but not "Saw" and it do not stop - it might scare him.
3. If you want a man to listen to your advice - do not argue with him, and expresses its appreciation when he does. And do not overload it with information - otherwise it will simply stop listening.
4. If you do not like something in the bed - tactfully tell us about it, and as soon as possible. If you do this after several years of living together, your man might be offended at you instead of being tackled.
And not restricted to a simple statement of the fact that you are not satisfied with sexual life -'ll show her husband that he should do so that you can reach orgasm.
5. Smile more often. So you will not only improve the climate in the family, but also you can be sure that her husband is always a pleasure to return home.
6. Learn to love a man, despite his habit. Of course, from some of the costs of her husband and wean (although this should happen very rarely), but if you irritate some detail, better try to get used to them. You do not want your husband you perceived as "mama"?
7. Do not be silent, if you have a concern. Hidden resentment can silently destroy a family and restore peace and love will be very difficult. Talk about your problems and ask the man to help you solve it. But, of course, you should not do it every day. If the problem you're having so often better to turn to a psychologist, not "merge" the negative of her husband.
8. Sometimes, when your husband is doing something "not the" best solution seems to punishment. Do you think that so he can understand how to act should not be. But in reality nothing good in this manner you will not get. Doing the opposite - encourage and reward him when he does something the way you want, and ignore those things, you do not like.
9. One of the most common causes of family conflict - is money. In order to avoid unnecessary quarrels, advance discuss how the budget will be formed in your family. This solution should get you both.
10. Divide household chores. Not rely "at random". Make a list of all the household chores and discuss with her husband, who among you will be responsible for that. Then in the future you will have much less reason to quarrel.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
My child - colorblind?
Your child draws people in green and the grass around the house - brown? What is this manifestation of the creative personality or blindness?
The number of color-blinds much more than you think. In the U.S. alone can not distinguish colors 8% of the male population. At the same time, women-color-blinds less than 1%. Most color blindness (the chromatic defect of vision) is inherited. In addition, the cause may be age-related changes, glaucoma, cataracts and taking certain medications.
Types of color blindness
* Violation of red receptors - the most common violation. At the same time people confuse shades of red and green colors.
* Dihromiya - the difficulty in distinguishing shades of blue and green.
* Deytanopiya - inability to distinguish the green part of the color spectrum.
* Complete absence of color vision. The eye distinguishes the only black, white and shades of gray. This disease is extremely rare.
Causes of blindness
In the retina has three types of cones. Each of them reacts to a specific color - red, blue or green. The defect causes a moderate cone color blindness. In the complete absence of pigment in the flask reached a certain color blindness in severe form.
Boys-colorblind person will inherit the disease from the mother, which, in turn, inherits the gene from his father's blindness. This defective gene, located on the X-chromosome, affects the quality of the color pigment in the eyes flask.
Women carrying the gene usually is normal, but her son's chance of blindness is 50 to 50. If she herself suffers from color blindness, her children are bound to be blind. The disease is rare in girls. The presence of disease in women meant that she has inherited the defective X chromosome from both parents.
Signs of blindness in a child
Child-colorblind person may:
* NO name colors (especially basic).
* Unusually paint a picture (for example, to depict a tree trunk in black, and grass - brown).
* Calling the object light pink or light green color with white.
* Seeing red and green objects equally (for example, confuse the orange and light green, dark green and bright red color).
Color blindness can not be cured. A child may be very upset because of his illness, but he was able to adapt to it. Here in what situations he may be faced with difficulties:
* Choose a color pencil or pen the right color
* Selecting the right color for clothing
* Reading color maps, charts and graphs
* Readiness Assessment meat, etc.
* Differentiation of traffic lights
* Careers in the field, which requires normal color vision (the pilot, policeman, fireman, designer, etc.)
To diagnose color blindness using Ishihara color plates. The child shows a set of plates, each of which a figure, letter or symbol in a circle of dots. Symbols are read easily by people with normal vision, but color-blind does not see them. Using this type of diagnosis, the doctor determines the type of color blindness in a child.
Explain that blindness - not a vice, a unique feature.
Help your child:
* Did not correct the child when he calls the wrong color.
* Do not call the color in the description of objects (for example, ask your child to get a striped shirt or a velvet pillow).
* Gently Encourage your child to dress differently, if he made a mistake in the color scheme.
* Inform teachers about the characteristics of the child.
* Discuss with your child's future profession. Explain that some activities require the ability to distinguish colors.
Rx Ohio
The number of color-blinds much more than you think. In the U.S. alone can not distinguish colors 8% of the male population. At the same time, women-color-blinds less than 1%. Most color blindness (the chromatic defect of vision) is inherited. In addition, the cause may be age-related changes, glaucoma, cataracts and taking certain medications.
Types of color blindness
* Violation of red receptors - the most common violation. At the same time people confuse shades of red and green colors.
* Dihromiya - the difficulty in distinguishing shades of blue and green.
* Deytanopiya - inability to distinguish the green part of the color spectrum.
* Complete absence of color vision. The eye distinguishes the only black, white and shades of gray. This disease is extremely rare.
Causes of blindness
In the retina has three types of cones. Each of them reacts to a specific color - red, blue or green. The defect causes a moderate cone color blindness. In the complete absence of pigment in the flask reached a certain color blindness in severe form.
Boys-colorblind person will inherit the disease from the mother, which, in turn, inherits the gene from his father's blindness. This defective gene, located on the X-chromosome, affects the quality of the color pigment in the eyes flask.
Women carrying the gene usually is normal, but her son's chance of blindness is 50 to 50. If she herself suffers from color blindness, her children are bound to be blind. The disease is rare in girls. The presence of disease in women meant that she has inherited the defective X chromosome from both parents.
Signs of blindness in a child
Child-colorblind person may:
* NO name colors (especially basic).
* Unusually paint a picture (for example, to depict a tree trunk in black, and grass - brown).
* Calling the object light pink or light green color with white.
* Seeing red and green objects equally (for example, confuse the orange and light green, dark green and bright red color).
Color blindness can not be cured. A child may be very upset because of his illness, but he was able to adapt to it. Here in what situations he may be faced with difficulties:
* Choose a color pencil or pen the right color
* Selecting the right color for clothing
* Reading color maps, charts and graphs
* Readiness Assessment meat, etc.
* Differentiation of traffic lights
* Careers in the field, which requires normal color vision (the pilot, policeman, fireman, designer, etc.)
To diagnose color blindness using Ishihara color plates. The child shows a set of plates, each of which a figure, letter or symbol in a circle of dots. Symbols are read easily by people with normal vision, but color-blind does not see them. Using this type of diagnosis, the doctor determines the type of color blindness in a child.
Explain that blindness - not a vice, a unique feature.
Help your child:
* Did not correct the child when he calls the wrong color.
* Do not call the color in the description of objects (for example, ask your child to get a striped shirt or a velvet pillow).
* Gently Encourage your child to dress differently, if he made a mistake in the color scheme.
* Inform teachers about the characteristics of the child.
* Discuss with your child's future profession. Explain that some activities require the ability to distinguish colors.
Rx Ohio
The ideas of useful gifts for children
Most kids want to get to the holiday toy. However, many children's games of mass production are not safe. What to buy to please the child and myself to stay satisfied with my gift?
The best gift for a child of any age - one that may strike his imagination and a long stay in the memory. Here are some ideas of such gifts. Many are suitable for children from 2 years, but, of course, parents should teach them a gift. We wish you good shopping!
Training and educational gifts
Encourage children's natural desire to explore and understand the world around us. You can choose:
* Binoculars, microscope or a telescope. This gift will take the child for a long time.
* Subscription to the children's magazine.
* Educational computer games.
* The set for the young gardener (seeds, flower pots and soil).
* Books that are appropriate for the age of the child, or a gift certificate bookshop, where he can buy books of their choice.
* A set of children's dishes, an apron and a few cookbooks for children - everything you need to develop the talents of chefs.
Financial affairs
Teach children to the proper handling of money:
* Pig-piggy bank teaches children to count money.
* Bank savings account or in another form in the name of the child.
Gifts for the development of creative abilities
Cultivate a child's imagination. Here are some ideas of gifts:
* Children's table and chairs that can paint their own special paints.
* Musical instruments (drum, xylophone, flute, or a small electric piano).
* The camera (or a printer for printing photos, if the child already has a camera). Little kids like toy cameras with large buttons.
* Disc of children's music, poems, fairy tales.
* Art set (paint, markers, crayons, glue, glitter, feathers, soft balls, stickers for craft projects). Kids suit crayons, and an apron for painting classes.
* Carnival costumes, as well as hats, wigs, shoes or glasses.
Equipment for Travel
Wherever he was going, on the other end of the country or with an overnight stay to a friend who lives nearby, the child is important to have their own things:
* A small suitcase on wheels or a backpack. To fit a baby backpack in the form of soft toys.
* Sleeping bag favorite colors.
* A small bag for the camera, a sandwich, pad and pencil.
* Wallet, which can put an air or rail tickets.
New impressions
These gifts can not hold in your hands. But they remembered the children of all ages for many years:
* Tickets for athletic contest, a children's play or concert.
* Trip to the reserve. water park or a recreation center.
* Lunch with friends at your favorite cafe.
* Cooking lessons, swimming or music.
Need more ideas? Think about what interests your child. Little boy, Corinthian will be delighted with the shirts with the name of your favorite player. Start a tradition: before the New Year dinner together somewhere in a cafe, and then go shopping in search of a new calendar or jewelry. You will enjoy, and both of you every year you look forward to the onset of the holiday.
Rx Virginia
The best gift for a child of any age - one that may strike his imagination and a long stay in the memory. Here are some ideas of such gifts. Many are suitable for children from 2 years, but, of course, parents should teach them a gift. We wish you good shopping!
Training and educational gifts
Encourage children's natural desire to explore and understand the world around us. You can choose:
* Binoculars, microscope or a telescope. This gift will take the child for a long time.
* Subscription to the children's magazine.
* Educational computer games.
* The set for the young gardener (seeds, flower pots and soil).
* Books that are appropriate for the age of the child, or a gift certificate bookshop, where he can buy books of their choice.
* A set of children's dishes, an apron and a few cookbooks for children - everything you need to develop the talents of chefs.
Financial affairs
Teach children to the proper handling of money:
* Pig-piggy bank teaches children to count money.
* Bank savings account or in another form in the name of the child.
Gifts for the development of creative abilities
Cultivate a child's imagination. Here are some ideas of gifts:
* Children's table and chairs that can paint their own special paints.
* Musical instruments (drum, xylophone, flute, or a small electric piano).
* The camera (or a printer for printing photos, if the child already has a camera). Little kids like toy cameras with large buttons.
* Disc of children's music, poems, fairy tales.
* Art set (paint, markers, crayons, glue, glitter, feathers, soft balls, stickers for craft projects). Kids suit crayons, and an apron for painting classes.
* Carnival costumes, as well as hats, wigs, shoes or glasses.
Equipment for Travel
Wherever he was going, on the other end of the country or with an overnight stay to a friend who lives nearby, the child is important to have their own things:
* A small suitcase on wheels or a backpack. To fit a baby backpack in the form of soft toys.
* Sleeping bag favorite colors.
* A small bag for the camera, a sandwich, pad and pencil.
* Wallet, which can put an air or rail tickets.
New impressions
These gifts can not hold in your hands. But they remembered the children of all ages for many years:
* Tickets for athletic contest, a children's play or concert.
* Trip to the reserve. water park or a recreation center.
* Lunch with friends at your favorite cafe.
* Cooking lessons, swimming or music.
Need more ideas? Think about what interests your child. Little boy, Corinthian will be delighted with the shirts with the name of your favorite player. Start a tradition: before the New Year dinner together somewhere in a cafe, and then go shopping in search of a new calendar or jewelry. You will enjoy, and both of you every year you look forward to the onset of the holiday.
Rx Virginia
Later children
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Sometimes the pit and the need for money forced a woman to postpone the birth. Sometimes it is simply a long time looking for a suitable partner. But she was already 35, 40 ... She decides that the time has come. She finally ready for motherhood. Although, perhaps, any woman in such a situation arises the question: "But not too long I have waited?". That's what says medical statistics about pregnancy after 35.
Infertility and other problems
After 35 pregnant becomes more difficult. Still, the best time for baby birth - between 20 and 30 years. After 35 conceiving can cause problems, especially if the woman has a chronic illness. Although pregnancy and childbirth are usually in women over 35 years go smoothly, the likelihood of complications with age is still growing.
Here is a list of possible complications associated with late pregnancy:
* Infertility
* The birth of a child with low weight
* Ectopic pregnancy
* Pre-eclampsia (a sudden jump in blood pressure during pregnancy)
* Miscarriage
* Gestational diabetes (gestational diabetes)
* The birth of a child with congenital abnormalities (eg Down syndrome)
* The need for artificial induction of labor
* An irregular heartbeat in the fetus
* Conditions requiring emergency medical intervention (bleeding, rupture of membranes)
* Emergency caesarean
Another problem with the age of the child's father. With age in men decreases sperm count, sperm quality deteriorates. The older the father, the higher a child's risk of developing schizophrenia and hereditary diseases.
In contrast to the male body, sperm generates daily, woman's body can produce only a limited number of eggs. Use their best between 20 and 30 years. For 40 years the quality of eggs deteriorates significantly, making it difficult to become pregnant.
Normal pregnancy after 35
Many women in the 30-40 years old feel young enough to create a family and its enlargement. In healthy women, pregnancy often goes well.
Getting pregnant easily in 20-30 years, but many retain the ability to conceive after 40. It is also possible variant of the artificial or in vitro, fertilization (IVF). In this case the donor egg is fertilized in the laboratory and then placed into the uterus. IVF procedure is not always ends in pregnancy and is very expensive.
According to studies, a favorable birth outcomes and child health are more dependent not on age but on the health of future mothers.
Rx Indiana
Sometimes the pit and the need for money forced a woman to postpone the birth. Sometimes it is simply a long time looking for a suitable partner. But she was already 35, 40 ... She decides that the time has come. She finally ready for motherhood. Although, perhaps, any woman in such a situation arises the question: "But not too long I have waited?". That's what says medical statistics about pregnancy after 35.
Infertility and other problems
After 35 pregnant becomes more difficult. Still, the best time for baby birth - between 20 and 30 years. After 35 conceiving can cause problems, especially if the woman has a chronic illness. Although pregnancy and childbirth are usually in women over 35 years go smoothly, the likelihood of complications with age is still growing.
Here is a list of possible complications associated with late pregnancy:
* Infertility
* The birth of a child with low weight
* Ectopic pregnancy
* Pre-eclampsia (a sudden jump in blood pressure during pregnancy)
* Miscarriage
* Gestational diabetes (gestational diabetes)
* The birth of a child with congenital abnormalities (eg Down syndrome)
* The need for artificial induction of labor
* An irregular heartbeat in the fetus
* Conditions requiring emergency medical intervention (bleeding, rupture of membranes)
* Emergency caesarean
Another problem with the age of the child's father. With age in men decreases sperm count, sperm quality deteriorates. The older the father, the higher a child's risk of developing schizophrenia and hereditary diseases.
In contrast to the male body, sperm generates daily, woman's body can produce only a limited number of eggs. Use their best between 20 and 30 years. For 40 years the quality of eggs deteriorates significantly, making it difficult to become pregnant.
Normal pregnancy after 35
Many women in the 30-40 years old feel young enough to create a family and its enlargement. In healthy women, pregnancy often goes well.
Getting pregnant easily in 20-30 years, but many retain the ability to conceive after 40. It is also possible variant of the artificial or in vitro, fertilization (IVF). In this case the donor egg is fertilized in the laboratory and then placed into the uterus. IVF procedure is not always ends in pregnancy and is very expensive.
According to studies, a favorable birth outcomes and child health are more dependent not on age but on the health of future mothers.
Rx Indiana
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