Look around: how many smart, talented and promising employees for years sitting on one and the same place without any hope for improvement! While other "shots" are not as capable, but much more active and quick-witted, easily and quickly built a reputation of valuable employees and achieve superior location. And you know how they do it? They know how to effectively submit themselves and their work.
"It's unfair!" - Tell you. To some extent - yes. But think about it myself: how can the ever-busy boss guess about your exceptional skills, if you consistently do not want to show them off? It is not for nothing they say: talent we need to assist, mediocrity will beat themselves. Delivered finally produced their own talent, if you feel undervalued by a professional. Put away unnecessary modesty - and forward, show good person, that is, to do everything to the boss saw you a subordinate of his dreams.
№ 1. Inform the boss only good news
Worth three times in a row to knock back some unpleasant news, as he has on you developed a reflex: "Again she came!" So, we have again the problem ... " Be smarter - do not spoil their reputation by such unfavorable associations. In the end, every head is the secretary, whose direct responsibility - to inform him about all that had happened in the office. I never missed a chance to inform the first boss something good - so you'll be for him "a ray of light in the darkness." Just before running to his office with the happy news, verify the accuracy of information, so as not to be in a stupid position.
№ 2. Be visible
Actively participates in all of professional discussions leafjet and meetings. Sit down so that the boss saw you (preferably in front of him). Ask questions, insert directions, make suggestions, weigh the pros and cons, aloud analyze labor situation ... In general, behave as a full member of the team that has their own opinion. Such an employee is hard not to notice and appreciate.
№ 3. Praise boss
Especially if you have something. He's also a human being and needs to make it a successful project or transaction approved not only the "higher friends", but also their own subordinates. The main thing - do Compliments competently and not to move the line between sincere praise and fawning (even in disguised form).
№ 4. Make friends with his secretary
Because she's right-hand man and chief, on occasion, can both help you, and harm. If you establish contact with it, you'll be in pole position: it will warn you when a boss is better not to look; promptly report back to you if you urgently need the audience was the boss, in a favorable light your initiative and submit a report on the impending reorganization of your department. And do not forget that many bosses (especially if they lead a large team), they see their staff is the eyes of a secretary. So it partly depends on your reputation!
Number 5. Learn to assess the situation
Do not strain your boss in their own problems (extraordinary leave, an increase in pay), when the company all hands on deck, or PE. At this time the worry of his own private zamorochkami at best useless, at worst - dangerous. Togo, who at a critical moment is not engaged in saving common cause, and take care of yourself, your favorite, head can be easily dismissed (in the hearts, of course, but does that better?).
№ 6. Try not to take sick leave
Theoretically, it is better not get sick. But, if you're still picked up some from France, threatening to slay the whole team, do not try to transfer the disease to the dedication to his feet. Of course, there are naive and callous bosses, who see a proof of the heroism of such a devotion of staff, ready to sacrifice the interests of the company's own health. Fortunately, such a minority. Smart Head to care for and about the health of subordinates, and on its own and be responsive to your forced absence from work. But do not abuse it - signing your endless sick leave, the chief is unlikely to consider you a reliable frames, which you can always count on. So strengthens the immune system and always be in
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№ 7. Give him only brilliant ideas
The ideas are worthwhile and futile. And employees who nominate them, are divided into two relevant categories. If you decided to pass for the generator of ideas, in any case not offer boss horrible only for the sake of something to offer. However, even the idea of standing must be able to teach. It is important not just chiriknut something unintelligible to the ordinary discussion of affairs firm, and clear and laid out his idea. Incidentally, this will save thee from plagiarism by the chief, if he likes to "steal" ideas of subordinates and give them their own. Of course, employees who casually deliver good ideas, even the bosses are very appreciated, but not so loud praises, and the ladder is not moving.
№ 8. Consistent with its expectations
In fact, many bosses can not clearly articulate what, in fact, they expect from subordinates, relying on their ingenuity. The most correct tactics in such situations - to observe and draw conclusions. Boss does not like being disturbed before lunch? Not appear in his office until three o'clock. He loses his temper, if it interrupted? Make an effort, wait the end of his monologue and calmly paste your word. It does not make red? Have saved his purple suit for another occasion. And, most importantly, never uttered the phrase "I do not understand what you want from me!". Chef immediately suspect that you are alluding to his inability to set goals, and in retaliation may accuse you of incompetence.
№ 9. Pick it up for the difficult and unpleasant task
Employee who managed to "pull" losing project, much less make it profitable, will appreciate its weight in gold. So you can only win if she has presented its candidature boss ponders whom to bestow their trust. Just do not promise more than you do. Unfulfilled obligations can erase all your previous services, and restore the reputation-it is rather tiresome. Sometimes, health assessing their capabilities, it is better to abandon the questionable triumph, than to risk and suffer a complete fiasco.
Number 10. Attempted to perform all tasks boss
Even the most intractable. Forget about such arguments as "it is impossible," it is not part of my job, "uttered by peremptory tone. Thereby you to sign in their helplessness, and you risk losing a seat at all. And then do not give up at once! Take time out and think it over "unreal" commission. Maybe it still doable? If not, then quietly report back to the boss, calling the specific reasons for using the most correct language and persuasive arguments. And best of all - proposed an alternative solution.
Number 11. Appreciate his time
Do not always move in the directorate. First, the boss may think you have nothing to do, and secondly, you can get hot under the guiding hand, appearing in his office at the wrong time. Even if you have an appointment and came in the case, then be extremely terse, begin at once to the point and not trying at the same time "to solve all the problems of concern to you.
Number 12. Learn to accept criticism
Rumors about the manic desire of all the chiefs excoriate subordinates without cause are greatly exaggerated. Any normal head wants only that punctures the staff did not recur, and therefore compelled to point out errors. It's called constructive criticism. No need to defend, hold boxing stance, or, God forbid, bump up in tears! Just admit your guilt, and promised that he'll be more attentive to their duties in the future.
Number 13. Do not force the boss to evaluate your work
Just to not disappoint - who knows what you will hear in response? If the boss is in a bad mood, you can easily tell you something drastic, such as: "Have you ever thought about working to change the profession?" Such surprise is not for the squeamish. And do not ask for praise, even if you do a good job. The fact is that many bosses do not like to praise his subordinates - that they do not relax. So let the boss himself decides whom to punish and whom to pardon. At the appropriate time you will know their scores for "technique" and "artistry".
Number 14. Not melteshi
Many staff members, determined to please the boss, somehow imperceptibly pass certain ethical boundaries and begin to flatter, fawn, please ... In short, in every way busybodies, not realizing how ridiculous and absurd they look. In the first place - in the eyes of the boss. For an experienced person immediately notice the falsity and unlikely to be happy.
P.S. If you're in the months to follow our recommendations, but little has been achieved and dead tired untwist itself, mean your own career promotion - not your horse. We actors do exist personal agents, the singers and musicians - producers ... In your case, this role may come in useful enterprising resourceful husband or friend.
What do pet chef:
- Do not insist on admission, if the boss is not in the spirit
- Do not turn to him with a problem, if not thought through the options to address it.
- Do not take with him into a controversy in the presence of business partners and higher
- Do not load it immature, not to getting projects
- Do not appear in his office with a swollen face after a sleepless night (even if the whole night
worked on the report).
- Do not go to him "just because".
- Do not turn to him with trifles, which is quite possible to solve without it.
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