Beautiful posture - is an integral element of the image of successful women. Direct spin visually elongates the figure and makes her Bole slender. Well-developed back muscles support the health of the spine.
Problems with the spine affect the operation of the cardiovascular system, the state of the nervous system, the work of internal organs and even the process of lactation during breast-feeding. Correct postural problems can be through exercise therapy. Pick up a set of exercises, the physician must individually for each patient. However, there are a number of universal exercises that help ensure a healthier spine and correct posture.
Is beautiful posture is important for a person? The views of visitors:
"We have a child of the bay about correct posture. But only about appearance. And that's what I have recently read. It turns out the correct posture - it is not just beautiful. It is necessary for health. It contributes to the proper working of the heart and supply the brain with oxygen.
Gothic: "And it is helpful to remember constantly try to keep your back straight, although it is difficult to do consistently."
Complex exercises
Exercise number 1
Starting position - lying on his stomach, arms bend at the elbow, the palm rests on the floor at shoulder level. Raise your upper torso, straighten your arms, bending the spine and a bit throwing his head back. Hold briefly in this position, and then take the starting position. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.
Exercise number 2
Starting position - lying on his stomach, his hands to separate the sides at shoulder level, elbows bent at right angles, palms touching the floor. Legs dilute the width of the hips.
At the expense of "time" - "two" Raise your hands up, while greatly reducing the scapula, at the expense of "three" - "four" - relax. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.
Important note: during exercise care not to tear the head and torso from the floor, all the time touching his forehead sex. Focus all attention on the upper back strain.
Exercise number 3
Starting position - lying on his stomach, legs dissolve the width of the hips, palms throw in "the castle" and put them under his head, his forehead resting on them.
Straining the muscles of the back, follow the rise of the trunk upwards. Hold the top position for 2-3 seconds, then lower to starting position. In a slow tempo run 8.10 climbs.
Important note: during exercise try to keep a line from the occiput to the coccyx, while stretching forward.
Exercise number 4
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Starting position - lying on his stomach, take the so-called position "star": the arms and legs dissolve in hand, with hands extended forward.
To account "time" - "two" raise your arms and legs up, while not concentrating on lifting the arms and legs, and their pulling in opposite directions. At the expense of "three" - "four" slowly lowers his hands and feet. Head when performing the exercises do not raise, look at the floor. Repeat 8-10 times.
Exercise number 5
Starting position - lying on his stomach, his hands pressed to the body, legs together.
To account "time" - "two" raise the legs up, hands pressed to the body and raise such a way that they formed a line with his legs. Accepted the so-called position "boom", while looking at the floor. At the expense of "three" - "four" relax. Do 8-10 times.
Exercise number 6
Starting position - sitting on a chair.
Follow the torso turns right and left, with a maximum amplitude. Repeat 10 times.
Exercise number 7
Starting position - standing up straight, raise your right hand up.
Arms bend in the elbows and clasped behind his back in a "castle". In such a situation to stay a few seconds, then return to starting position. Change places his hands, lift up his left hand and right hand lower down. Repeat the exercise again, then return to starting position. Do exercise 8 times.
Exercise number 8
Starting position - standing erect, his hands dropped down.
Join hands in the "castle", take the hands back, slowly decaying and a little "popruzhinte. Then return to the starting position. Perform 8 times.
Health of the spine and correct posture largely determine the overall well-being. Regular exercises to correct posture and massage for a long time are able to extend the health of the back and an excellent prevention of many problems with the spine.
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